HST Social Science: Online Study Materials-Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning
Almost every educator knows the Bloom’s Taxonomy cognitive framework. The related pyramid graphic has influenced curriculum and instruction since its introduction in 1956 and its revision in 2001.

Among other modiications, Anderson and Krathwohl’s (2001) revision of the original Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom & Krathwohl, 1956) redefines the cognitive domain as the intersection of the Cognitive Process Dimension and the Knowledge Dimension.
This document offers a three-dimensional representation of the revised taxonomy of the cognitive domain.
According to the revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy, there are six cognitive learning. These six levels are applying, remembering, analyzing, understandding, creating, and evaluating.
Six Stages of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy;
They are helpful because some verbs are appropriate at a particular level. Also, it is helpful in learning.
Some students may show a list that they have learned the topic. But this does not display its capabilities. And what they have learned.
Six Stages of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy;
- ➡ Remember
- ➡ Understand
- ➡ Apply
- ➡ Analyze
- ➡ Evaluate
- ➡ Create
- • It means that the students can recover, remember and know applicable knowledge from their memory.
- • Also, it helps to recover information from long-term memory.
- • Suitable learning verbs for this level are: choose, define, find, how, tag, list, match, quote, sketch, tell, select, show, what, when, where, which, etc.
- • Their examples are: List prime and composite number, to recall dates of important events, and remember the formula, etc.
- • Understand reveals understanding through one or more outlines of explanation.
- • Also, it helps in organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting and giving a description.
- • Suitable learning verbs for this level are: classify, relate, explain, outline, summarize, translate, infer, illustrate, contrast, rephrase, etc.
- • The example can be: classify a disease, compare two related processes, summarize features of a product, etc.
- • Apply means that students use their knowledge in new conditions to gain results.
- • In addition, it also performs a method by a given method.
- • The suitable verbs for apply apply, build, develop, select, are: utilize, solve, make use of, model, plan, interview, experiment with, etc.
- • Their examples are: make different between squares and triangles, using trigonometry formula to solve the problem, do pH test of different soap bars, etc.
- • To analyze means to break materials into its regular elements.
- • It establishes how parts relate to other parts. It also performs the process in a given situation.
- • Suitable verbs for analyzing are: assume, discover, divide, inspect, motive, relationship, examine, function, compare, divide, categorize, etc.
- • Examples are: To analyze the connection between flora and fauna, select the fullest list of actions, find the difference between cultures, etc.
- • Evaluate means to judge on the basis of principles and norms.
- • It also validates a course of action taken by students or teachers.
- • It identifies the success of the process.
- • Its suitable verbs are: agree, assess, criteria, decide, deduct, defend, choose, award, mark, measure, prove, rate, opinion, perceive, etc.
- • Evaluate examples are: decide whether scientist’s end result matches with experimental data, Judge the efficiency of a technique or method, verify the progress of someone, etc.
- • It means to put elements together to form a new logical or practical entity. Also, it rearranges elements to form a new model or structure.
- • Creates’ suitable verbs are: adapt, combine, delete, happen, imagine, originate, predict, propose, design, discuss, develop, build, etc.
- • Example of creating are: on the basis of criteria develop a hypothesis, make a new course outline for students, develop a new formula, etc.