Chapter 12
Collection of Data.
Multi choice questions
- Classification is the act of grouping related facts into :
- One class .
- Three classes .
- Two classes .
- Different classes .
- Which one is not the base for classification:
- Quality.
- Value.
- Size.
- Origin .
- The following are the types of classification, except
- Geographical.
- Historical.
- Chronological.
- Quantitative.
- There are following number of classification methods:
- Two.
- Three.
- Four.
- Five.
- Which one is a type of qualitative classification?
- Manifold.
- Chronological.
- Quantitative.
- Geographical.
- Two fold classification deals with how many features:
- Two.
- Three.
- Five.
- Four.
- Manifold classification is a type of :
- Topographical .
- Qualitative .
- Quantitative .
- Geographical .
- Measurement can be done by virtue of:
- Variable.
- Height.
- Size.
- Feature.
- Variables are of how many types:
- Two.
- Three.
- Five .
- None of the above .
- Which one is a discrete variable ?
- 1.5
- 1⅓.
- 1.
- None of these .
- Find the odd one
- Personal interview.
- Information from correspondents.
- Publication of research agencies.
- Mailed questionnaire.
- Raw data is … nature.
- Solid.
- Gaseous .
- Liquid.
- Original.
- From 1000 students if we take out 100 students then it will be called as :
- Sample.
- Item.
- Population.
- Universe.
- Group of items is called as :
- Sample.
- Universe.
- Item.
- None.
- One unit of population is called as :
- Sample.
- Population.
- Item.
- Universe.
- In an enquiry regarding addiction to alcoholic drinks ,_____methods of collection of primary data is most suitable
- Direct personal interview.
- Schedule send through enumerators.
- Mailed questionnaire.
- Indirect oral investigation.
- This method is appropriate in cases where informants are literate and are spread over a wide area.
- Direct personal interview.
- Indirect oral investigation.
- Mailed questionnaire.
- Information from correspondence.
- Data originally collected in the process of the investigation are known as ?
- Primary data.
- Secondary data.
- Tertiary data.
- None of these.
- Find the odd one
- Journals.
- Census report.
- News paper.
- Checklist.
- “Watching the reactions of the respondent can provide supplementary information.” Identify the mode of data collection mentioned here .
- Write the sources of data.
- Internal sources of data.
- External sources of data .
- Write two examples for internal sources of data.
- Write an example for external sources of data.
- What are the types of data?.
- Primary data.
- Secondary data.
- Write any three names of methods of data collection.
- Direct personal investigation
- Telephonic interview.
- Through mailed questionnaires.
- Who is an investigator?.
- Who is respondent?.
- Who is enumerator?.
- What are the types of questionnaire method?.
- Questionnaire through enumerator.
- Questionnaire through mail.
- How many sources are there of secondary data?.
- Published.
- Unpublished.
- How many types of the nature of questions?.
- Name any two published sources of data.
- Reports of IMF.
- Reports of World Bank.
- Name any unpublished sources of data.
- Private institutions.
- Reports of individual researchers.
- What are the types of errors in the collection of data?.
- What will be the type of data collected by a TV reporter through interview?.
- Data related with population and national income will be of which type?.
- Define internal source of data.
- Define external source of data.
- What is primary data?.
- What is secondary data?.
- Name all the methods for collecting primary data.
- Direct personal interview.
- Indirect oral investigation.
- Information from correspondents.
- Telephonic interview.
- Mailed questionnaire method.
- Schedules sent through enumerators.
- Differentiate between direct personal and indirect oral investigation.
- What is questionnaire method?.
- What is the difference between enumerative and mail questionnaire method?.
- Differentiate schedule and questionnaire.
- What are the features of good questionnaire ?
- First of all objective of investigation and instruction for filling should be clearly mentioned.
- Number and nature of question should be minimum and from the field of investigation only.
- All questions should be in a proper order.
- Question should not be of irritating nature, wrong type, and hurting the feeling of special categories.
- Language of the questions should be easy, clear and direct so that every one could understand it.
- Questions should be such that respondents could reply them sitting at his home itself, it should not involve further accounting.
- Questions should be of one meaning so that biasing could be avoided.
- Question should be such that they could be tested for truth after that.
- Before finalizing the questionnaire see it yourself that can everyone answer these questions or not.
- At the end of the questionnaire there should be a request and confirmation that the information provided by them will be kept secret and will be used only for those purpose of research or investigation not for any legal action.
- Differentiate between the various types of data according to their sources.
- Write the types of method of data collection of primary type and describe direct personal investigation method.
- Primary
- Secondary.
- Where field of investigation is restricted.
- Where confidentiality data is important.
- Where data is to be collected directly from the peoples.
- Data required in original form.
- *Data collected through this method are dependable because investigator collects them themselves.
- Data collected in original.
- Data collected is homogeneous and uniform as collected by single hand.
- As data collected directly from the respondents so level of accuracy is high.
- This method is elastic in nature so changes as per need could be effected by the investigator.
- Data can be collected to vast nature by this method.
- This method requires large amount of money, time and hard work.
- Suitable for limited area of investigation not suitable for large area.
- As data collected by a person personally so chance of biasing is high.
- Method can be used only by able, wise, and patience investigator, not by ordinary investigator.
- Method not suitable for large number of respondents.
- Discuss the Indirect oral investigation method along with its merits and demerits. Answer :
- Where direct contact with respondents is not possible.
- Where field investigation is very vast.
- Where data to be collected is of typical nature and could be collected only by the experts.
- Where respondents could not provide information due to unawareness.
- Method is simple and less time taking.
- Area of investigation, wide open.
- Method is less costly.
- Method is un-biased.
- By this method we can know the opinion of the experts.
- Information can be of biased nature in this method also.
- Informations could be wrong because information are not in original form.
- Respondents could behave carelessly because the information being asked is not directly related to them but with another side.
D. Different classes.
D. Origin.
B. Historical.
C. Four
A. Manifold
A. Two
C. Qualitative
A. Variable.
A. Two.
C. 1
Answer :
C. Publication of research agencies.
D. Original.
A. Sample.
B. Universe .
C. Item .
D. Indirect oral investigation .
Answer :
C. Mailed questionnaire.
Answer :
A. Primary data.
Answer :
D. Checklist.
Answer the following questions
Answer :
Direct personal interview
Answer :
Answer :
Data of book and Data of an institute.
Answer :
Data of NSSO.
Answer :
Answer :
Answer :
The person who plans and executes the investigation.
Answer :
A respondent is one who provides actual data.
Answer :
One who does actual collection of data.
Answer :
Two types,
Answer :
Answer :
Four types.
Answer :
Answer :
Answer :
There are five types of errors in the collection of data.
Answer :
Direct personal investigation and primary data.
Answer :
Secondary data.
Answer :
Internal source of data. When data is collected by itself i.e. when we get data from the record of reports of variouis institutes, records then this source of data is called as internal source of data. For example report published by any bank regarding its deposits and loan wilI be called as internal source of data for that particular bank.
Answer :
When data is collected by any organization from other organization or source then the source of data is called as external source. Such as any economist in evaluating any economic problem uses the data published by the India government, then the source of data used by the economist would be called as external source of data..
Answer :
Primary data is the type of data which is collected by the investigator from its origin or generated by the investigator himself. These data are collected by investigator for the first time. These data are called as original data because they are collected for the very first time. In the words Of Wessel, “Data originally collected in the process of the investigation are known as primary data.” For example data collected for knowing the economic condition of students of a particular school will be called as primary data because these data will be collected for the very first time.
Answer :
These are the data which have already been collected and new investigator only uses this data for his investigation purpose. If said in the word of Wessel, “Data collected by other person is called as secondary data.”
Answer :
There are six methods for collecting primary data. They are,
Answer :
Table 2.1 Diference Between Direct personal interview and Indirect oral investigation | |
Direct Personal Investigation | Indirect Oral Investigation |
Restricted field of operation | Wide and vast field of operation |
Expensive | Less expensive in comparison |
Knowledge of regional ritual is a must | Knowledge of regional ritual is not a must |
Information directly from the respondent | Indirect information |
Answer :
In this method neither investigator goes to the respondents directly, indirectly nor sends the correspondents. But in this method, keeping in mind the objective of the investigation, investigator prepares a sequence of question and sends them to respondent.
Answer :
In enumerative method the questionnaire is sent through the enumerators to the respondents and enumerator collects the data whereas in mail questionnaire the questionnaire is sent to the respondents through the mail.
Answer :
Series wise questions prepared with reference to the investigation is called as questionnaire whereas questionnaire filled by enumerator himself by asking the respondents is called as schedule.
Answer :
Accuracy and originality of data collected through questionnaire depend upon the questionnaire. The more the questionnaire will be accurate, good, and best the result will be that much pure, accurate and original. A good questionnaire collect good data should have following characteristics in it:
If all these characteristics are found in a questionnaire then that questionnaire will be the ideal questionnaire.
Answer :
Those data which is obtained from the internal source are those which are its own data and are related to that source only, whereas data obtained from external source are the only data which is used by all the peoples in their investigations. Data collected from external source are of two types, primary and secondary data.
Differences between primary and secondary data:
Table 2.2 Diference Between Primary and Secondary Data | |
Original Data | Second-hand Data |
Expensive | Less expensive |
Time Consuming | Less time consuming |
Raw item | Finished material |
More care needed at the time of data collection | More care needed while using |
Answer :
It is very important question that from where we get these data. Internal sources data are its own data and whereas far external source data are to be collected, how this data is to be collected, using which technique, this is what we will study in detail here. As you already know data is of two types:
Direct personal investigation:-
In this method investigator goes in person to person contact in the area which he wants to execute the investigation and collect the information and data. To collect right data or information through this method the investigator has to be hard working, unbiased, able, and full of patience. For example to know about the living standard of a particular area the investigator has to collect the data by coming directly in contact with the people of that particular area. Then this method would be called as direct personal investigation method.This method cannot be used everywhere. This method is most suitable for those conditions:
Some investigations are of such/nature that respondents do not wish to provide the directly such as the investigations for the collection of data regarding the habit of sigarette smoking in the student and alcohol taking habits; students doesn’t wish to give any data openly or directly. In these situations we use indirect oral investigation method. In this method we don’t contact the respondents directly but collect the data from the person associated with the respondents. For example in case of data regarding cigarette and alcohol we will not directly ask the students but we will ask for the data from the teashop near the college canteen, etc. Success of this method depends upon the calibre, knowledge, daring nature, and behaviour of the person asking for the data. We should also have the knowledge under which circumstance this method is suitable. Indirect oral investigation is suitable under these circumstances:
Merits of this method are as follows :